CELTIC VIKING FANTASY MUSICIAN SPOTLIGHT: Nighean Music on September 28, 2021 celtic artist celtic fantasy folk +1 celtic folk metal celtic folk music celtic folklore celtic artist celtic fantasy folk celtic folk metal celtic folk music celtic folklore
Penn's Colony Sutler/Merchant Haul (Celtic Druid Music and Jewelry) on September 27, 2021 celtic folk music celtic jewelry +1 celtic music druidsong historical reenactment living history celtic folk music celtic jewelry celtic music druidsong historical reenactment living history
TIME TRAVERLER SERIES: Fort Henry Days 2021 on September 25, 2021 18th century costume celtic fantasy folk cetlic music fort henry days + wheeling wv 18th century costume celtic fantasy folk cetlic music fort henry days wheeling wv
MUSICIAN INTERVIEW: Christine Weir (Chris the Celt) on September 20, 2021 celtic music celtic musician +1 dark celtic music female celtic artists gothic celt celtic music celtic musician dark celtic music female celtic artists gothic celt
18th CENTURY MERCH HAUL: Fort Henry Days on September 18, 2021 fort henry days historical reenactment living history merch haul + reenactment fort henry days historical reenactment living history merch haul reenactment
MUSICIAN INTERVIEW: Grimwater Music on September 16, 2021 celtic artist celtic music +4 enchanted forest music grimwater music medieval medieval folk medieval music mystical music celtic artist celtic music enchanted forest music grimwater music medieval medieval folk medieval music mystical music
UNBOXING: Phannie's Battlefield Jams and Teacup De-Lites on September 15, 2021 gettysburg gift ideas herbal teas nontoxic candles + nontoxic living gettysburg gift ideas herbal teas nontoxic candles nontoxic living
Skye Boat Song at Fort Henry Days on September 13, 2021 celtic folk music from sea to skye haunting song haunting vocals outlander + outlander theme song celtic folk music from sea to skye haunting song haunting vocals outlander outlander theme song