Today I am featuring another main character from the Birthrite-verse and this time it's Gail Carr Johnson.
Enjoy and enter the two raffles below (double your chances at winning but there is only one day left for the first)!
Enjoy and enter the two raffles below (double your chances at winning but there is only one day left for the first)!
Gail Carr (or Gail Carr Johnson as she has become in Kindred (The Birthrite, #2) ) was born
in Plains, New York in the summer of 1913 as the daughter of Alan Carr and
Janina Carr (nee, Calabrese). Her father is of German/Scottish descent, and her
mother Persian/Italian. Gail also has two older brothers, Lorenzo and Rory.
Gail spent much of her childhood in the town of her
birth, having grown up playing with her two best friends, Linda Parker and
Dorothy Blake. Out of the three girls, Gail is the most outspoken. She is not
one to shy away from discussing politics, subjects like women’s issues, and
just simply stating her opinion, especially if it’s on a topic she feels
strongly about. She is the polar opposite from the more soft and high
maintenance Linda and while she does share more common ground with Dorothy when
it comes to their interests and stances on certain topics, Gail’s personality opposes
Dorothy’s more reserved one. Her favorite colors are red and merlot (much of
her attire, makeup, and room décor reflects the more bold colors).
During her junior year of high school, Gail started
going with one of her classmates, Reginald Johnson, a handsome young man who
shares much of her interests and opinions. Because of this, the two are very
compatible with one another.
In Descent (The
Birthrite, #1), Gail and Reginald seem to be the glue holding the group
together while everything around them falls apart. They remain a source of solidarity
until the very end, though shortly after the events of Descent, Reginald notices a change within the girl he loves. While
he understands the reasons behind her shift in personality, he worries for her
and worries for the future of their relationship, though that doesn’t stop him
from proposing marriage on Valentine’s Day of 1932 (this happens in Made in Heaven: A Birthrite Series Short).
In Kindred,
Reginald and Gail try their best at settling into married life, even
maintaining communication with Dorothy’s cousin, Cletus. But life experience
and marriage can sometimes change things, and Gail continues to spiral into a
state where she is not herself at all…
Pennsylvania Railroad Station in
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
June 22, 1933
Thursday Evening
clock on top of a large, stone pillar just outside of the railroad station
stated the time as five 'o' clock as the next train was pulling in. The
locomotive came to a slow, grinding halt, waking Cletus from sleep.
vision was hazy as he glanced out the window, seeing parts of the town called Wilkes-Barre.
He closed the thick copy of Les
Miserables in his lap
before rising to collect his small suitcase.
the other passengers filed off, the young man's attention was once again drawn
toward the window. His eyes fell to a corner that was a short distance down
from the train. He wrenched slightly, squinting when he saw a tall, dark figure
that seemed to be staring at the train.
(staring right at the window that Cletus’s
seat was next to)
blood froze as he could feel eyes boring into him. Disconcerting sensations crept
out from his core and the figure seemed to go unnoticed by those passing it by
on the sidewalk.
young man attempted to place the figure’s identity, fearing that perhaps this
was Gavril, but his efforts were blocked by another vision of Plains. He had a
sudden sensation of floating through the town. A blurred halo framed his vision
of the Colonial and Victorian homes lining the street. We could easily drive out there...
thoughts were seeping into every corner of his mind, beckoning, placing him
into a more deeply lulled and hypnotized state…
you all right?”
a splash of ice water, awareness hit him. The question that shook him from his
trance was spoken by a rather pleasing voice.
averted his gaze from the window to find a rather attractive young lady gazing
at him. Her eyes reflected concern…and slight flirtatiousness. The remaining
sunlight filtering in through the windows gave her light brown hair a lovely
sheen, and her deep blue eyes were set off by the blouse she wore.
inhaled. "Yeah...yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired from traveling.
Thanks." He motioned for her to go on ahead of him. When she did, he took
another glance out the window, jolting slightly upon seeing that the figure was
gone. After taking a second to collect himself, he started down the aisle after
reaching the door, the girl faced him again. "Can I ask where you're
coming from?"
heart pounded. "Dayton, Ohio."
do you have family out here?"
yeah. Friends, actually. And a distant cousin."
awkward silence passed between the two as they stepped onto the stone walkway.
As new passengers boarded the train, he tried ignoring her sideways glances at
name is Christina," she offered. "I'm actually from Delaware, but I'm
moving because of a new job. I was recently hired as a hospital receptionist.
I'm not too terribly thrilled about leaving my family behind, but I suppose we
should all be grateful for any employment these days."
do have to stay in town overnight," she continued (obviously not willing
to allow them to go their separate ways), "and then I board a train to New
York. Plains, to be exact."
flinched upon hearing the town's name. A vision of the old Blake house on
Muholland materialized before him, causing him to pause once more.
you sure you're okay?" she asked, again returning him to the present.
yeah...yeah. Just a bit of lag..."
smiled. "Well, I 'm famished. Train food isn't exactly what I would call
appetizing. Or suitable for human consumption."
allowed her a slight grin. "You’re right about that."
sapphire eyes reflected a sort of coyness. "I was planning on getting
something to eat. I hear there are a few good diners in these parts."
stomach flipped as he regarded this young woman called Christina. While his
ability to read people was not as strong as Dorothy's, he could easily see that
this girl had hopes in him offering to come with her.
blood raced as he knew that if his buddies, Patrick, Rob, and Grant, were here,
they would be urging him to accept her invitation, calling him crazy if he
didn't. And if one thought on it, there was no reason for him not to. This
young woman was attractive and seemed to have a good head on her shoulders. I could invite her along with Reg, Gail, and
I…or at least get the number to where she’s staying… But as it had been with
other girls that briefly entered his life, he knew nothing would ever happen
with Christina. Because Christina was not her.
(It's a blessing and a curse)
Cletus cleared his throat. "Well, good luck with everything. I'm sure
you'll do well. My friends are waiting for me here so I gotta run and I have to
make sure I phone my girlfriend before it gets too late. But it was nice
meeting you, Christina."
turned away, never looking back as he felt her crestfallen gaze. He also tried
shaking away the foolish feeling he had over the excuse of phoning a girlfriend
that did not exist.
enough, not too far away, Reginald and Gail waited for him. Relief filled Cletus
as he smiled and waved to his friends.
grinned. "We were starting to wonder if you backed out."
quickened his pace as he approached the couple and shook hands with Reginald.
"Sorry. I dozed off on the train and it took me a little while to wake
well we actually did see you get off but didn't want to interrupt."
Reginald winked. "Looked like you were making a new friend."
eyes shifted nervously toward no place in particular. "Oh...that was
nothing much. Just small talk." He anticipated telling them of the Gypsy
girl at some point during this trip.
in that case,” Gail said, “I can see even more family resemblance between you
and Dorothy. I think you broke the poor girl's heart. How was the train
ride?" She gave her girlfriend's cousin a brief hug.
Cletus replied. He parted from Gail and the three started toward the Johnsons'
car. "Nothing but cows and fields as far as the eye could see."
laughed. "How exciting. No wonder you fell asleep."
not even Victor Hugo could keep me awake,” Cletus said grinning.
pretty bad,” Gail said.
arriving at the car, Reginald opened the trunk for Cletus to set his suitcase
and book in before going to get the passenger door for his wife.
Cletus settled into the back seat, and Reginald and Gail in the front, a brief moment
of melancholy crept among the three. It was especially evident when Reginald
glanced back at Cletus through the rearview mirror. There was something in the
other young man's eyes, and that same energy radiated from Gail.
an instant, the moment was broken and Reginald started the car, pulling out of
the station parking area and onto the road. The silence between the three was
broken when the young man in the drivers’ seat asked, "How's life in
as I said in my last letter, I'm still working a lot," Cletus replied.
"Trying to help mom and dad with expenses and such, along with saving up
for my own car and place."
sighed. "I completely understand. It took me a good year to save up for
the vehicle I have now. By the way, we tried making the couch as comfortable as
possible. You're absolutely sure you don't want our room? It's still up for
I'm positive. Thank you, though," Cletus replied. "The couch will be
if you change your mind, let us know. As of this moment, we can only afford a
one-bedroom apartment. Hopefully that will change, but with the economy being
the way it is, we can only play it by ear."
gets especially interesting when our families come to visit," Gail added.
"Someone always ends up on the floor."
and that someone is me," Reginald said dryly. "Of course we allow
anyone visiting use of our bedroom. Gail gets the couch and I'm on the
luxuriously comfortable floor."
man is a tough sheik," Gail said, leaning in to kiss her husband's cheek.
this tough sheik's back is always screaming at him the next morning,"
Reginald quipped.
dark eyes regarded Reginald, as if to say, and you know I always take care of that later.
watched the couple as images of the young Romany woman from his dreams entered.
He thought of Christina back at the station, feeling guilt over dismissing her
in such a way. He also nearly laughed out loud over telling her of a girlfriend
that didn’t exist (at least not in the
physical realm…). But leading her on
wouldn't be right either. Somehow, some way soon, he and this Romani girl
were supposed to meet. Just how, he was unsure, but eventually it would happen.
thoughts were interrupted when Gail turned around in her seat. "There are a couple more sights we'd
like to show you while you're here," she said. "Also, we still attend
Mass on Sundays if you would like to join us."
raised his eyebrows. "We? You mean you're taking the plunge and joining
the fold, Reg?"
shrugged. "I'm considering it. Staying in touch with Father Louis has been
a huge help, if you know what I mean."
did know.
that moment, he saw Plains once again in his mind's eye. Visions of the library
with the painted portrait of its founder, James Livingston, life-like and
staring back at him. The scene shifted, and Cletus was shown his cousin's old,
now vacant home before being taken to Gregory the Great Church. He could see Father
Louis seated inside his chamber, reading over what appeared to be documents of
great importance. Within seconds, the vision dissipated into the air and he
could see Gail looking back at him, her brown eyes inquisitive.
nodded as if to reassure her that all was well. Of course, the three knew
better, and Cletus found the wistful expression in her eyes rather
disconcerting. She seemed to force it away, allowing her old brazen self to
the way to Tahatan's," she said, "we pass though Elmhurst. There is a
beautiful set of Gothic buildings inhabited by an order of monks. Maybe we can
stop and have a look tomorrow."
nodded. "I'd like that."
do think the architecture would be of great interest to you," Reginald
added. "But in the meantime, who wants to grab a bite to eat?"
wouldn't mind," Gail replied.
neither, "Cletus said. "I could definitely go for a burger."
grinned. "It's settled then."
a few minutes, the car pulled up beside Mildred's Diner where they had eaten during Cletus's last visit.
their time inside the restaurant, the group discussed college, jobs, and other
aspects of their lives not related to the events experienced two Novembers ago.
All three chose to avoid what needed discussed in favor of a few sweet moments
of normalcy.
that they knew would not last.
was close to midnight when Reginald and Gail retreated to their bedroom, once
more offering their guest accommodations better than the couch. As before,
Cletus politely declined and proceeded to make himself comfortable.
This isn't so bad, he thought, settling back and
gazing toward the ceiling, recounting the evening’s events.
was a little after seven ‘o’ clock when the three left the diner and arrived at
the Johnsons’ apartment. They stayed in the sitting area for about four hours
more, conversing into the night, touching briefly on what would be discussed at
Tahatan's, though underlying dread over delving back into the devastating
events was ever present. Now alone in the dark, Cletus decided to not dwell on
such things for at least that time. This included the mysterious figure from
the railroad station (which he also refrained from telling his two friends…at
least for now, he told himself).
eyes started adjusting and looked out to the moon hanging in the sky. He could
hear noises on the street below and was reminded of how different this area was
from his rural life in Ohio.
mind started wandering and his eyes grew heavy. Suddenly he was drifting over a
large field where two little boys, one with dark hair and the other fair,
played. He had seen these two children several times in recent years after
falling into sleep. The boys were running around with a ball and oblivious to
the hooded figure standing at the edge of a distant forest. Beside the cloaked
individual was a young man dressed in the nineteenth century attire of a
peasant or slave.
Cletus drew closer, he could see the young man's dark complexion and wavy black
hair that reached the collar of his shirt. He felt a certain kinship, and -
after getting close enough to see his features – knew who he was.
Nicolae... Cletus could place
some physical resemblance between the Romany slave and Dorothy's friend Jimmy.
he turned back toward the two little boys, they vanished before his eyes and
the scene shifted from day into night. The field around him disappeared and Cletus
found himself on a dark, deserted road. Up ahead was a sign. He ran toward it,
the balmy wind blowing back his clothes and hair. His steps slowed as he felt
the cold, rough pavement beneath his feet. The moon illuminated the street
sign, seeming to specifically cast its glow for the young man to read the
letters etched into the wood:
Hunters Highway
that sign, two connected arrows pointed in directions opposing one another. The
top one read Stone Creek and the
bottom, Pinewoods. Both towns where
25 miles from where he stood.
gasped at the familiarity of the town names and felt a draw toward the latter.
But when his eyes snapped open, he was back on the couch in the apartment.
turned back over to face the window, and his insides jolted upon seeing a face
appear just outside the glass pane. He sat up, only to have the shape vanish.
tried forming a rational explanation for what he saw, but it was a futile
attempt. Chills enveloped his body as he glanced about the dark room. Faint
whispers seeped in through the walls. Frozen to where he sat, he tried making
out what was being said, but the words proved inaudible.
his body gained mobility, he considered heading to Reginald and Gail's bedroom,
but couldn't move quickly enough, as though he were fighting his way through
the whispers faded out and the air was overtaken by the distant sounds of a
piano playing a familiar piece by the composer DeBussy.
The song to the
his relief, Cletus's movement became more fluid and he was able to rise from
the couch. He flinched when his foot touched an icy wood floor.
eyes darted about and breath hitched when he saw the property of the Fleming
Orphanage surrounding him. The summer breeze turned into a crisp, autumn chill
as the song flowed with the wind that carried it. Leaves fell from their branches,
blanketing the ground, seeming to undulate with the notes being played.
was compelled toward the woods, feeling Dorothy's presence and the grave danger
she was in by being here. Confused and disoriented, he looked around, calling
out to her, but she was nowhere in sight.
voice was getting lost in the wind stirring up as it carried DeBussy's song.
The woods and empty buildings of the former orphanage took on menacing shapes,
as if they were alive and mocking him. Every fiber of his being wrenched when
he heard a distant howling from somewhere in the woods. His breath grew rapid
as his lungs took in the icy air. The song to the moon faded and the sound of
someone humming another familiar tune took over.
All the
Pretty Little Horses...
tried moving in the direction of the hill, knowing that it would take him away
from the property, but the wind increased in strength and invisible arms seemed
to hold him back. He heard the howling again, only this time, it was much
closer, sounding unlike any animal he knew of. A foul stench started crawling
out from the buildings as the windows radiated a deep red glow.
(Like blood...)
glow pulsed, spreading throughout the property as the stench of death and
decomposition engulfed him. His body stiffened upon hearing a bloodthirsty
growl closing in behind him.
tried to run, but his feet were planted to the earth. He could sense it inching
closer, crunching over the cold, drying leaves. The creature's rancid breath
assaulted his nostrils before it let out a deafening roar. Then the creature
pounced, pummeling the young man forward…
Friday morning
June 24
was jarred awake, relieved to find himself back in Reginald and Gail's sitting
area as early dawn filtered in through the window. He sat up, glancing about
his surroundings and seeing that he was on the floor with the blanket tangled
around him. His temples throbbed as he looked back toward the couch. Rising to
stand, he untangled the blanket.
he started toward the couch, he caught a glimpse at his feet, stopping short
upon seeing traces of dirt caking his skin.
raced in his ears as he tried coming up with an explanation for why this would
be. Maybe Gail isn't a very good
housekeeper... But a look around the small apartment suggested otherwise.
sat down, leaning back on the couch and running a hand through the dark strands
of his hair. He attempted to decipher his dream, trying to hang onto the
details, but most of it was fading from memory.
he folded up the blanket and placed it neatly over the pillow resting against
the arm of the couch. Then with a final glance at the morning sunrise, he
forced himself toward the washroom.
water rained from the shower head, fully waking him from remaining remnants of
his troubled slumber. Trying to maintain a sense of calm, Cletus hurried to
finish showering, shut off the water, and started drying off. After wrapping
the towel around his waist, he stepped over the tub rim and started to dress.
buttoning his shirt, he heard someone exit Reginald and Gail's bedroom. Intent
on allowing the other two access to the washroom as soon as possible, he
glanced in the mirror once more to check his appearance. A rather unnatural
glint in the glass caused him to take a step backward. In an instant, the small
flash disappeared.
heart pounded as he glanced around, trying to identify a possible light source.
Chills rose on his arms upon the reminder of the room being windowless.
a flash, the Fleming Orphanage appeared before him, an image accompanied by a
sensation of floating. He found himself
moving passed the main building toward another on the property until going
through a front entrance. He passed by what looked to be a large dining area
before being taken up four sets of dark staircases. Finally, he reached the
fourth floor, and continued down the corridor. When he came to a stop, he was
in front of a room with a certain set of numbers nailed into the door.
sound of knocking wrenched him, and the interior of the orphanage disappeared.
Reginald's voice spoke from the other side of the washroom door.
Cletus whirled around, struggling to keep his voice steady.
all right in there?"
I'm on my way out."
in a breath and steadying himself, Cletus opened the door to see the other
young man standing in the small hallway, wearing a robe over his pajamas.
Cletus stammered.
left corner of Reginald's mouth quirked. "It's fine. I just didn't want to
barge in. No need to make this visit awkward."
emerged from the bedroom, wearing a red satin robe and holding a towel.
"Did you guys want me to start coffee before I hop in the shower?"
she asked.
kissed his wife's cheek. "I'll do that. You go ahead and get yourself
dark eyes held her husband's light ones for a moment. Cletus could see the love
that the two had for one another and while he tried to not stare, he couldn't
help noticing something that seemed to be brewing below the surface.
looked away.
you, my love," Gail said, a hint of humor in her voice. She smiled at her
friend’s cousin, moving passed him and retreating to the washroom.
she was inside, Reginald motioned for Cletus to follow him to the small
kitchen. The former started making coffee, filling the apartment with the
liquid's aroma.
that conflicted look once again in the light-haired man's eyes, Cletus blurted
out, "Something eatin' you?"
eyes widened, blinking rapidly before his features relaxed.
sorry," Cletus stammered. "I shouldn't have said anything."
held up a hand. "No, no, it's fine."
I ask what's wrong?"
drew in a breath. "Actually, I probably should talk about it. I haven't discussed it with anyone and it is
eating me up. I haven't even brought it up to Gail.” He paused.
“Actually...that's not entirely true...we have discussed..."
paused, regarding the other young man for a moment before replying,
"Having a baby."
dropped his voice. "I want us to."
young men were silent upon hearing the shower shut off.
Cletus’s voice was just above a whisper. "Well that's wonderful."
Reginald sighed and smiled slightly. The two
young men remained silent as the washroom door opened. Gail's footsteps hurried
toward the bedroom and the door shut.
being certain that she was out of earshot, Cletus asked, "What's the
shifted, reflecting a sort of guilt. "Gail wants to wait a couple of years
and I understand her reasons. She wants us to be in a better place financially.
So far, we've been careful and always take necessary precautions to avoid..."
He paused, the inner conflict increasing by the second. "She also wants
more time using her aviators license...which, I admit, worries me."
thought you were happy for her."
I am, don't get me wrong. But that doesn't mean I don't have concerns. I mean,
one small mishap and..." He swallowed, his eyes moving downward as his
anguish over what could go wrong in a plane visibly heightened.
Cletus watched the other young man, an image of the Romany girl flashed through
every part of his being before fading into one of Jimmy and Linda. Jimmy was
still heavily scarred from his time in Hell but continuing to make progress in
his long recovery. He was seated beside Linda, just outside of a large, elegant,
though rustic, building. Her head rested on his shoulder and his arms embraced
her as the couple watched a small, dark-haired little girl toddling around in
front of them.
the image left, Cletus studied Reginald once more and said, "I'm sure you
two will work something out."
sighed. "I know. Compromise, right? It comes with being married. Besides,
if this is the most conflict she and I have had so far, I guess things are
pretty good."
started to respond but stopped when he heard the bedroom door open. Seconds
later, Gail entered the kitchen, dressed and made up.
sauntered up behind her husband and playfully smacked his behind. "Your
turn, sweetheart."
troubled expression quickly transformed into a loving smile. "Thanks,
baby." After one more sip of his coffee, he gave her temple a kiss.
"When I'm done we can go to Mildred's
and grab a bite. I know it ain't Chuck's but it's close enough."
reached for the empty cup Reginald had left for her on the counter and poured
some coffee. "Hey I'm fine with not having to cook today." She took a
sip and grinned. "No offense, Cletus."
chuckled. "None taken. I like diner food once in a while."
I won’t be long," Reginald said, and headed to the washroom, but not
without regarding his wife once more.
long lashes blinked rapidly over her dark eyes as she caught her husband's
gaze. Once again, the mood seemed to take on a melancholy shift.
watched the couple for another moment. As the washroom door shut behind
Reginald, he turned to face the coffee pot, trying to push back the unexplained
dread churning within.
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