A Passion for the Past or Why I Study History

Hi all,

I know it's been a while since I last did a real blog post. I am busy with a few gigs which include finishing up the next installment in The Birthrite Series, a couple live music gigs, a few educational history events with the museum, finishing a song for a paranormal documentary, planning future episodes for my webseries, and doing the audiobook version of Descent (The Birthrite Series, #1).

Here are video clips of me in the studio working on the audiobook for Descent:

And this weekend, I'm part of the Brains 2 Books Convention at Goodreads, where there is also a Giveaway for Descent. 

In the midst of all that, my research into history has increased, especially as I begin to overturn some very little known territory. Recently, I was contacted by Henry, a Zane Grey enthusiast who has some involvement with the Zane Grey West's Society and also happened to see my video review of The Vanishing American:

After some email exchange, we spoke on the phone and he gave me some really cool new information on the real life people and events that inspired The Vanishing American, and some of his other stories. He also sent me a pdf file of a scanned copy of the promotional brochure for the film version of The Vanishing American from the year 1925. I've been looking through the brochure and it is so fascinating to get a glimpse into the production process, along with the tribute to the Native American being given by the cast and crew, especially from Zane Grey. I will get more into it in a future post, but for now, I will say that the more you dig into history and events throughout different eras, the more hidden treasures you will find. My studies, writing, and re-enactment of history has also led me to discovering some other pretty cool reading material. See my recent history book haul and feel free to check out some of the books:

In the video, one of the books I mention is one called Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft, written by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum. As some of you that follow my work probably know, the witch trials of Europe and America have been a fascination and a focus of mine. So far, this is probably one of the best books I've read on what happened in Salem and it will be part of a future blog post.

Yes, I do have a passion for "time-travel," if you will. The past is a foreign place and can be quite fascinating and scary at the same time. It seems to be a place people are afraid to go. Sure, they might dig it up when they are trying to (very indignantly) make a point of how their views are "right" and/or feel superior. The thing is, often when they do that, they are scratching at only the surface. Or worse: using an example that can very much be considered a historical 'myth.'
But here is something to think about until next week:

Perhaps people fear that by studying history, really getting into the good, the bad, the ugly, the heroes, the villans, controversial figures, their lives, fears, likes, and dislikes, they will see more of themselves and current society in those of the past than they would like to see. Perhaps by studying the history behind ideas, they will truly begin to understand the human condition, yet another place that many seem to be afraid of going to. (Thank you, Suzannah Lipscomb for that one)

Til next week. I look forward to blogging again. :)


PS- Check out my webzine, The Parting of Veils for a new episode and photos from my Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum Tour. :)


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Paperback copies of Descent (The Birthrite Series, #1) and Sacred Atonement:Novelette (The Birthrite Series, # 1.5) available together for the low price of $21.00 at my Official Website

My music projects are available at CDBaby
My filmwork is on IMDb
"The Birthrite Series" and other books at Smashwords and Barnes & Noble NOOK
 My books and music are also on Amazon and iTunes
Tiffany on Goodreads
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