Music Reviews! Ashagal, Blackmore's Night, and Ginger Ackley (The Parting of Veils Episodes)

Hi everyone,

So I've been busier than I thought I would be with trying to get the newest installments in The Birthrite done, the audiobook version of Descent (The Birthrite Series, #1) going, a song for a paranormal documentary recorded, and two school programs for the museum along with coming up with the music list for the colonial tea its hosting. Therefore, my regular blogging was delayed which I will get back to as soon as I can (I'm dying to blog about the ORIGINAL Grease that was quite different from the musical we all fact, it was raunchier). But for now, feel free to check out the last couple episodes from my new webseries/webzine/soon-to-be-podcast, The Parting of Veils.

This includes music reviews and my last trip up to the awesome year-round haunted attraction, Castle Blood. :)

And don't forget to check out everyone's websites:


Blackmore's Night

Castle Blood

Ginger Ackley

The Parting of Veils


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Paperback copies of Descent (The Birthrite Series, #1) and Sacred Atonement:Novelette (The Birthrite Series, # 1.5) available together for the low price of $21.00 at my Official Website

My music projects are available at CDBaby
My filmwork is on IMDb

"The Birthrite Series" and other books at Smashwords and Barnes & Noble NOOK
 My books and music are also on Amazon and iTunes
Tiffany on Goodreads
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