I am pleased to have Gravely MaCabre return. For those who haven't seen my other interviews with him, he is the owner of the popular haunted attraction, Castle Blood. Read on ahead as he discusses the events that the castle has going on all year round, including a Valentines Day event. So read on and check out their website. You will not be disappointed.
GM: Castle Blood has been delivering classic american Halloween to the weatern PA area since 1993.
all those old monster movies you loved. Remember classic characters in
them. Witches, Vampires Werewolves and Ghouls ? Maybe with a little
Addams Family or The Monsters thrown in?
Well for
over 22 years now Castle Blood has combined all that into a fully
immersive theatrical game type scenario to give people tours like
nowhere else.
GM: 2014
meant a move into our new permenent facility just down the street from
our 2012-13 location in Monessen PA. Big Deal? Well yes it is, its's a
100- year old funeral parlour with plenty of stories to be told about it
before we even started adding our own.
The tour is now longer and will get longer each year for a while as we work to fully develope all the space we have but nothing lends itself to our style of haunting than this beautiful new old building.
GM: Every show we
do is a new story and a new script. For our returning friends there are
always things you've seen in the past that might help you on the trip.
But our new customers will never feel left out, they will be too busy
enjoying themselves in movie quality sets and surroundings as they try
to find the very special 3 talismans of this tour.
TA: I take it this won't be a "hearts and flowers" type of tour?
GM: Um, no. No it's not. For centuries now we have heard mortals say things like, I will love you for ever, true love is eternal, etc...silly. only a true immortal can know the real meanings of such things, and on the tour we will try to show you what we mean.
TA: What else do you guys have planned for the new year?
GM: Well, the big news is a halfway to Halloween weekend on May 1st and Second, with some very special events planned for during the day on saturday the 3nd, so stay tuned here for all that news in March. Then we will do our 3rd Midsummers nightmare tour in July, and then of course we open Oct 2nd for our 23rd Halloween season.
TA: I know it's a little early, but any teasers for Halloween you'd like to share?
GM: The
biggest plan is the return of Crow Haven and our Cemetery this year.
Both of which have been huge favorites for us in the past.
do plan other events in october in town even if not actually AT the
Castle, and we will announce those as soon as we get everything firmed
TA: What else do you have going on and where can we find you?
GM: You can find us at castleblood .com, though we are working on a rebuild of that so please be patient,
twitter and intsagram @thecastleblood and of course a castleblood page on facebook.
between events and tours we, as always, are available for custom
costuming work and prop building. You can often find us all over the Pittsburgh area, as well as farther away fan conventions. The best geeks are haunted geeks. LOL

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