Twisted Delights: A Thrilling Short Story Anthology is a strange collection of ten short stories which include a homicidal hairdresser, a doomed werewolf love tale & an unforgettable meeting with the devil.
I met Kimberly Bennett at a couple events held at local bookstores and finally got a chance to pick up two of her books (both anthologies), putting both on my Summer Reading List. Recently, I finished Twisted Delights. It's a pretty short read at only 102 pages long and - as the description says - includes ten short stories.
The premises for all the stories are very interesting and solid, and my two favorites, Aisling and Medusa Virus involve two well-known beings from mythology and are complete enough, yet leave things open for the reader. Not all the stories end happily, and you know what? I like it that way. Because sometimes in life, you don't always get what you want and events are seldom tied up neatly in packages. Though in a couple of the stories, I would have liked more of an explanation. For instance, I loved Nightmare. It was one of those stories that had me turning the pages and wondering what was going to happen next. Overall, I was satisfied with the ending, though would have liked maybe just a small hint at why the events were happening to the protagonist and her grandmother. Until Forever is also a good, though tragic tale and Gabriel is cool little story with a nice twist (pun not intended...sort of). There were also a couple stories that didn't quite do it for me, but I think that had more to do with my personal taste.
Overall, I did enjoy Twisted Delights and do recommend it for those looking for short read to settle in with for the evening.
You can check out Twisted Delights on Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble.
Twisted Delights on Smashwords
Twisted Delights at Barnes & Noble
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stories, "The Cemetery by the Lake" and "Dusk to Dawn" are available at
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"The Cemetery by the Lake" at Smashwords and Barnes & Noble NOOK
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