Sai Marie Johnson is quite the unique writer (and I mean that in a good way). I first discovered her on the Paranormal Reads Facebook page when they were advertising one of her books, "The Dark Priesthood." It was a quick read but enough to hold my interest in checking out more of her work (my next Sai Marie Johnson experience was "The Selkie Secret"). Check out more on this really versatile writer in the interview below, and also check out some of her works. :)
TA: First, tell our lovely readers a little about yourself.
SMJ: Well, I am a twenty-nine year old
college student attending Full Sail University. I am specializing my
studies in Creative Writing, and will have a Bachelor's degree as of
Fall 2014. When I am not battling my way through a story, or sorting
through a character's emotions, I spend most of my time with my family.
TA: As someone who has been writing since a young age,
what is the first story you can recall having written and what was it
SMJ: The very first story I recall
ever writing was a hand-written, construction paper covered, yarn
threaded children's book. I gave it the generic title, "My Family." It
was a story about my mom, dad, me, and my siblings. To this day my dad
still has the book.
TA: Do you have a specific writing process or "ritual"?
SMJ: I don't know if I would call it a process, or a ritual but when I sit down to write I like to turn on iHeartRadio, or Pandora to get myself in the mindset of a creator. It seems to really help me keep focus, and I find that lyrics to certain songs do optimize my creative abilities.
TA: What are some challenges you have faced as a writer and how did you push through them?
have had several different issues come up on my path to become a
writer. Some have been extremely complicated, and others just minor
mishaps. I've received a few heartbreaking rejection letters, and
reviews. If I had to mention the one difficulty I have the most problem with it would be the fact that I am hearing impaired, and that has definitely been an issue in the past. As much as it my
seem that writing will help alleviate communications issues not being
able to hear is one thing that is very hard to push through. Nevertheless I've worked hard on continuing my education, and creative outlets in the face of this. As a result I will have the top of the line auxiliary aides
available very soon. If there is one thing I believe a writer must
realize from the start it is the fact that you should never write to
please others, or allow any circumstance to stop you from writing.
You've got to commit, and dedicate yourself to writing. No matter what
obstacles you face.
TA: Is there a story you've written that you would say is your favorite?
SMJ: Yes,
but it is not finished yet. I've been working on it for well over a
year now, and it is coming together fabulously, but it just hasn't come
to an end I am happy with just yet. It's called the Age of Enlightenment
the Libertine Revolution: the Sadist's Touch. It's the first book in
the AELR (The Age of Enlightenment: the Libertine Revolution) Series.
TA: And in closing, where can we find you on the internet and what do you have coming up? Plug away!
SMJ: I can be found on most book websites online such as Booksie,
Authonomy, Goodreads, Booklikes, Shelfari, B&N, Amazon, and even
Avon Romance. I am also a contributing writer for Touch Talent, and
graphic artist for Libertarian Global Webzine. If you would like to connect with me, or follow my blog all my links are listed as follows:
Twitter: @LadySai
Company Site:
As far as what I have coming up next I am working
really hard on completing The Sadist's Touch, and Forbidden Fantasies.
Both of these are paranormal romances. As for my latest release it is In
Empires and Embraces, which was released March 23, 2014.
Check out Sai Marie Johnson on Amazon and Barnes and Noble NOOK
And support the independent outlets: The Dark Priesthood on Smashwords
The Selkie Secret on Smashwords
Simply Crimson on Smashwords
Empires and Embraces on Smashwords
The Softer Side of Texas on Smashwords
Sai Marie Johnson on Indiebound
And support the independent outlets: The Dark Priesthood on Smashwords
The Selkie Secret on Smashwords
Simply Crimson on Smashwords
Empires and Embraces on Smashwords
The Softer Side of Texas on Smashwords
Sai Marie Johnson on Indiebound
My short story, "The Cemetery by the Lake" is now available at Smashwords as a FREE download. More retailers will follow, but Smashwords is pretty compatible with most e-reader and PC formats.
Tiffany Apan at Smashwords
The Cemetery by the Lake at Smashwords
and Barnes and Noble NOOK
My music is also available at CDBaby
Tiffany on IMDb
Official Website
The Birthrite Series Website
Support your local bookstores: Search Indiebound to see what may be in your area.
My short story, "The Cemetery by the Lake" is now available at Smashwords as a FREE download. More retailers will follow, but Smashwords is pretty compatible with most e-reader and PC formats.
Tiffany Apan at Smashwords
The Cemetery by the Lake at Smashwords
and Barnes and Noble NOOK
My music is also available at CDBaby
Tiffany on IMDb
Official Website
The Birthrite Series Website
Support your local bookstores: Search Indiebound to see what may be in your area.
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