Historical Music, Irish Weather and Wardrobe Malfunctions...

Well hello!
We (The Wayward Companions) just completed two shows from our summer concert series and would like to thank everyone who are coming out and enjoying themselves at our performances! There is much more to come so be sure to check out our SHOWS page to see what we have coming up next. We are still negotiating a couple events and will post them once things are confirmed.
This month has brought us some exciting adventures so far. On July 8, we were fortunate enough to play the Whiskey Rebellion Festival. We played in two beautiful locations. In the Pioneer Room at the George Washington Hotel and in the garden of The Bradford House.

We first played in the Pioneer Room and those in attendance did not seem to notice the slight wardrobe malfunction in my 18th century attire.
After the show, we went to a wonderful pub and restaurant in 18th century clothes (which is always great fun). Then we braved the beautiful Irish weather while playing under a tent in the Bradford House garden. It was a rather intimate concert as audience members were also squeezing under the tent to get out of the rain!
Then today (July 16) we played a great show with our friends Celtic Ceol at the Depreciation Lands Museum's Ice Cream Social and Fleece to Shawl Demonstration. The museum's Deacon's Tavern is always a pleasure to perform in and we had a wonderfully enthusiastic crowd (video coming soon!).
Thank you to everyone coming out and really making our summer. We look forward to seeing you along the path! :)

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